Numerous pre-proposals received for NRP 83
140 pre-proposals were submitted for the National Research Programme "Gender Medicine and Health" (NRP 83). Only a limited selection will be invited to prepare a full proposal for the second stage.
By the end of 2023, the SNSF published the calls of four National Research Programmes (NRP). Besides NRP 83 Gender Medicine and Health, these are NRP 81 Baukultur, NRP 82 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, and NRP 84 Plant Breeding Innovation. Researchers have now submitted in total 321 project outlines. Around 900 applicants are involved in these pre-proposals.
NRP 83 registered by far the largest number of submitted applications. The 140 pre-proposals demonstrate the great interest that the call for proposals excited in the research community. Nearly half of the project outlines can be assigned to the field of life sciences. They frequently show a combination of disciplines; particularly common are collaborations of researchers from the fields of social science and medical research.
In total, the 389 involved researchers are applying for an amount of approximately CHF 70 million. CHF 9.6 million are available to finance research projects in NRP 83. The project pre-proposals are now undergoing a first evaluation stage. Each application is assessed independently. To this end, the Steering Committee is completed by national and international experts from the relevant disciplines. By the end of June, the Steering Committee will decide which applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.
The second evaluation stage will take place in autumn 2024. Ultimately, the Steering Committee will submit its project selection to the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation for the final funding decisions. The start of the research phase is scheduled for the beginning of 2025.